3.1. Option 1: CLI Execution - Manual XL

Follow below steps for Command Line Execution steps

3.1.1. Prepare Excel

  1. Prepare Excel as per guidelines given in previous Excel database Preparation Page.

  2. Sample. pyVig readable Sample Excel file with Devices and Cablings Tab.

3.1.2. Prepare python code

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1. Import package
# 2. Call pyVig with necessary inputs ( remove undesired optional input arguments )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from pyVig import pyVig
        # ------------- Two Mandatory arguments -------------
        stencil_folder = '/fullpath_stencil_folder',
        data_file = '/fullpath/data_file',

        # ------------- Optional arguments / inputs Follows -------------
        default_stencil = 'Network and Peripherals',    #(default: None)
        op_file = 'output_filename.vsdx',    # (default: None)

        x = 'x',    # (default: 'x-axis', Devices Tab)
        y = 'y',    # (default: 'y-axis', Devices Tab)

        dev_a = 'a',    # (default: 'a_device', Cablings Tab)
        dev_b = 'b',    # (default: 'b_device', Cablings Tab)

        # Additional information from various columns to be merged in device description
        cols_to_merge = ['device_model', 'serial_number', 'ip_address', .. ],   # (default: [], , Devices Tab)

        # Device icon formatting
        format_columns = {
                'iconHeight': 1,    # sets default iconHeight (default: 1)
                'iconWidth': 2.5,    # sets default iconWidth (default: 2.5)

        # Different Filter options
        filter_on_cable = False,    # (filter to drop connected devices only, default: True)
        filter_on_include_col = True,    # (looks for non-empty rows for column 'include' to select cablings; default: False)
        is_sheet_filter = False,    # (Default: True, enables filtering on 'sheet_filters' input,  overrides 'filter_on_include_col')
        sheet_filters = {
                'draw_type': ('core', 'access', ),   ## Here column name = 'draw_type' , matching and filtering rows value as per given in tuple.
                # Add more filters as required....


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • Do not interrupt the visio application while visio generation is inprogress.

  • Once Finished save the file as required.

  • Verify drawing, Modify Excel Database if need adjustments, re-run pyVig() to regenerate drawing.